All of my girls are so precious! I just love to listen to the funny things they come up with and do! They never cease to amuse me. Chloe's new amusing act is to constantly undress herself. Almost every day for the last week she has undressed herself no matter where we are. Her favorite place to undress is when we are shopping. One minute she has her clothes on and when I turn around to reach for the box of cake mix, or the juice or the eggs or the bag of chips, she is undressed down to her diaper again. It is very funny, although after the 10th time of wrestling with her to get her dressed, it starts to get a little frustrating. It is a good thing she is so cute, because as soon as she turns on that big mischievous grin, I have to laugh again. Almost every morning we have found her naked and as cold as an icicle, so tonight Ryan came up with a solution. We put one of those zipper p.j.s on and her safety pinned it so she could not get it down. She was pretty frustrated before going to bed because she could do her normal 10 strip downs before we put her into her bed, but she finally settled down. We are crossing our fingers that she doesn't figure out how to open the safety pin.
Kassidy is always so outspoken and she says some of the cutest things. That girl is like Jeckel and Hyde. One minute she is clowning around and flashing her dimpled grin and the next she is crying crocodile tears. Again thank goodness she is so cute and gives the best puppy dog eyes you ever saw to get her out of trouble. Tonight she mischievously got into Candy's room, which by the way is the ultimate tragedy as far as Candy is concerned. Kassidy stole her deodorant and put some on. Afterwards she cam into the bathroom, and lifted up her arm and told daddy to smell her ornament under her arm. Ryan and I died laughing and of course Candy was horrified that Kassidy had touched Candy's deodorant to her armpit. So it goes in the Cotten household! Poor daddy so outnumbered by all the girly drama.