The Cotten's (Props to Kelsey Call Photography)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sweet Chloe

I just got finished rocking my sweet Chloe to sleep, and I couldn't help but be so thankful to Heavenly Father for allowing me to be a mother. I feel like so often life seems out of control, and I am always running to catch up. Tonight as I rocked her and she patted my arm with her soft as velvet hands, all I could think about was how grateful I was for her and all my kids. We had an especially hard morning trying to keep the kids occupied before church. All of the kids were in rare form. Chloe has been very cranky the last few days, which is nothing new for her, but it is so nice to have a moment like tonight were she hugged my neck and patted my arm as she fell asleep. I feel like she was telling me how much she loved me, and an overwhelming feeling of love came over me for her and my other children. All too soon these days of rocking her will be over and life will move on. It is so important that we all cherish these precious years even though they are crazy and busy!


DNAgallows said...

I know this is a great memory for you. Thank you for the reminder to us all. Thank goodness for those moments that seem to slow us down a little and reflect. Love you and your precious family!

America said...

Your family is tooooo stinkin CUTE!!!I love pics of your family, the girls are precious!

Christine said...

What a tender moment. Oh how we will miss these precious years of rocking our babies to sleep. Before long they will be out the door for college! Thank you for sharing this special moment with us. It reminded me how fortunate I am to have a baby to love and care for.